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Great Horned Owl | Bald Eagle | Black Capped Chickadee | Ring Necked Pheasant | Moose |
Bald Eagle | American Kestrel | Western Meadowlark | Northern Pygmy Owl | Osprey |
Black Chinned | Great Horned Owl | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle |
Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Great Horned Owl |
Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle |
Osprey | Wilson's Snipe | Osprey | Osprey | Great Horned Owl |
Bucks | Black Chinned Hummingbird | IMG_8047 | Cordilleran Flycatcher | Belted Kingfisher |
Belted Kingfisher | Belted Kingfisher | IMG_6485 | IMG_6153 | IMG_2073 |
IMG_4714 | Coyote | Bald Eagle | Northern Pygmy Owl | IMG_4133 |
IMG_3561 | Belted Kingfisher | Belted Kingfisher | IMG_6799 | IMG_6808 |
IMG_5038 | IMG_4958 | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle | Bald Eagle |
Bald Eagle | Varied Thrush | Northern Pygmy Owl | Bald Eagle | Merlin |
IMG_2989 | IMG_2746-2 | IMG_2746 | IMG_0665-2 | IMG_0377 |
IMG_8986 | IMG_0342 | IMG_8768 | IMG_8988 | IMG_8727 |
IMG_7975 | IMG_7940 | IMG_7868 | Cedar Waxwing | IMG_7871 |
IMG_7150 | IMG_6920 | IMG_6803 | Bald Eagle | Great Horned Owl |
Osprey | Grizzly | Bald Eagle | Peregrine Falcon | Ground |
2 Baldies | IMG_2839 | IMG_8283 | IMG_8029 | IMG_6851-2 |
IMG_7779 | IMG_7390-2 | IMG_2225 | IMG_9622-2 | IMG_4259 |
IMG_4360 | IMG_2262 | IMG_2079 | IMG_5763-2 | IMG_6407 |
IMG_7952 | IMG_5695_Osprey | IMG_7217-2 | IMG_6992-2 | IMG_5764-2 |
IMG_5023-2 |
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